The preferences for "^0" have been corrupted - using default preferences instead. The preferences for "^0" have been updated. The file "Disk Copy Prefs" could not be opened (^1). Using default preferences instead. The file "Disk Copy Prefs" was damaged (^1) and has been replaced. Preferences have been reset to default settings. There are too many mounted volumes for this version of system software. Please upgrade! Unable to initialize AppleEvent handlers for "^0". You may need to reinstall "^0" and/or system software. ^0 requires AppleScript. Please install AppleScript and try again. Sorry - ^0 cannot print disk images! That function has not been implemented yet. ^0 cannot be launched off a mounted disk image. Please copy it to another disk and try again. ^0 could not update the disk image driver. Please unmount all disk images and try again. ^0 could not load the disk image driver. This version of ^0 is not compatible with A/UX. This version of ^0 requires MAE version 3.0.4 or later. This version of ^0 is not compatible with MAE (Macintosh Application Environment). This application requires System 7.0.1 or later.